Explorer operation (2002-06-01)

After skirt patch.
It has gone two months since last hovering. Now skirt patched it was time to do at least a short spin.
After sitting two months engine started surprisingly well. Almost immediately. I could pick up the rpms without any problems. I let the engine run increased throttle for a while, but everything seemed to work just perfectly.
I decided to take off and still everything works like it should be.
Before i get to the river engine starts to caught and rpms wonder up and down. Soon it's just weak idle no matter what setting i have on throttle.
Luckily didn't get it off the hoverport. Easier to do repairs on land. Engine starts fine when throttle at idle, but won't run for more than just few seconds. Fuel pump works and i can hear "CLICK" sound from carburetor anti-dieseling solenoid while engaging ignition on.
But got to leave the hoverport before mystery is solved. Must be one of the shortest rides ever: total of 5m from start to finish. Don't need an GPS for that. Have to get back someday and figure this out later.
PU-foam really is a good insulation. Place where craft had been sitting for two months (left it there when there was still snow) was still frozen and there was huge chunk of ice on the ground. It has been quite hot in western Finland during these months - last 3 weeks about 20C everyday and still ice underneath the craft !