My Explorer -project (2003-07-24)

Engine not running
Very persistent problem, and not enough time (and interest) to fix it.
Since my 2003 vacation was about over and fixing Explorer was one of the three things on my TO-DO list for July it was finally time to do something about it. Actually i tried to start it already at the beginning if July, but there were just too many little friends (mosquitos) to any repair work outdoors.
DAY 1:First thing was to remove carb and clean it once more. I just removed the carb and took it with me to our workshop where i have access to proper tools and compressed air.
There wasn't nothing peculiar inside the carb. I did remove all the jets and blasted air through all the tiny holes. There is a one jet (i think main jet) in Subaru carb that i was unable to remove. It has a slot for screwdriver at the top, and it turns but doesn't move up or down. But since i couldn't find dirt or clogged fuel i put it back together ready for another try.
After my father arrived we went to try it out. Installed the carb and connected vacuum, fuel and electric lines. Engine started just fine as usual, but when i tried to throttle it just choked as before. We did move it some to get it more accessible location , but that was just few meters (30ft max.).
Well we have had a lot of practice of following: remove lines and carb. Instead of taking it right back to workshop we removed the top cover of it and checked inside if i had put the jets in wrong places. But there wasn't much of a chance to install them wrong (luckily). Only change was to use sealing compound when installing top back. Only a light layer of sealant was used because stuff is not compatible with gasoline if in long term contact.
Installed the carb and connected vacuum, fuel and electric lines. Engine started just fine as usual, but when i tried to throttle it just choked as before.
I just removed the carb and took it with me to our workshop where i have access to proper tools and compressed air.

Deja vu ?

DAY 2:This time my father took the responsibility of cleaning the carb and he actually found something wrong with it. Remember the main jet i mentioned earlier, the one with screwdriver slot but wouldn't move although it rotates. He forced that jet out discovering there wasn't anything to hold that jet in vertical position but friction. There is no thread or collar to stop it, just friction.
After quick brainstorming we decided to try following: put the main jet back, but just deep enough that jet coming on top of it would press it to it's location since the jet on top has thread.
DAY 3:Family time - no hover repairs
DAY 4:To cut the long story short: Installed the carb and connected vacuum, fuel and electric lines. Engine started just fine as usual and when i tried to throttle it just revved up. YIPPEE ! Just drove it on shore for few short spins, but it worked.