Explorer operation (2003-07-26)

Fishing trip.
First time to go just for fishing with hovercraft.
I only had few hours time, but wanted to this during my vacation since this is number two of few things i planned to do. OK, i'll admit, it was supposed to happen during early hours of the morning, but better early hours of afternoon than not at all ;-)
I asked my father to come along for few reasons. We both like fishing and never done anything like this together since we both found fishing just few years ago. Other reason was to show him the engine problems.
We didn't go far. Just left the craft float for a while and removed the soft top for easier access. He started fly fishing, but quite soon swapped to lure. Fly fishing with prop and propeller guard + another fisherman onboard is not that feasible.
We tried couple of places, but didn't get any fish, not even close. But it was a change and few hours well spent. We did have some examples of engine problems too, but not solid cure.
We got back safely and landed to hoverport without problems. Once we were crossing the river to get back to my car day got much worse...
My wife called and she was a bit of hysterical. Her grandpa had just had a stroke of some kind and was unconscious. They had called an ambulance, but she wanted me there ASAP.
It was lucky i guess that i took our daughter to my parents for few hours when i left for hovering so she wasn't there witnessing all the hassle and hysteria. My wife and her parents were preparing for grandpa's 85th birthday next Tuesday.
I got there and immediately rushed in to see if there something i could do. At least i thought i felt a weak pulse from his neck. I didn't know what else to do. Ambulance got there pretty fast i guess (although it obviously felt like eternity) and the crew took over.
For a moment there was stronger pulse, but having suffered from his heart, lungs and other health problems for years he was just to weak to make it through.
Really sad, but that's the way life goes. For my wife it's specially hard since she has spent a lot of time with her grandparents as a child and was really her grandpa's favorite.