My Explorer -project (2001-06-25)

Before Mid Summer weekend at 22nd - 24th it was time to prepare the craft for possible late night drive.
Some of the lights had already been installed last fall, but some of them were still in the plastic bag waiting the installation. None of the lights were hooked to electrical system.
Most of the wires were already there just to connect them to switches so that wasn't too much of the problem.
In not time red and green sidelights were working and it was time to put in yellow flasher and all around white.
I had bought at least two different flasher relays for this and found out what i thought to be the other. We tested it for awhile and couldn't figure out how to connect it to get it working. I had bought this unit from large autoparts store based on their catalog. Luckily i happened to have their catalog with me in the hovercraft as at some point we started to suspect that this is not a flasher relay at all. And indeed based on part number it was voltage regulator. No harm done here except wasted some time on this. I looked through all those plastic bags and found one with electric parts in it and there was heavy duty flasher relay too. We didn't have any problems hooking this one and soon were ready to install the actual lights.
My dad left the hoverport to weld a support for the lights and i stayed there for some lunch and to prepare wires for installing the lights on thrust prop stand.
We didn't find a good way to route wires and to install lights so we just kinda threw them in there to meet the regulations. This is merely because if there is a possibility to be stopped by coast guard or the police it would likely happen just this weekend as 80% of finnish people will be on water or at least very close to water.
All around white light started to work right away, but single 5W bulb wasn't enough load for the flasher relay to work. Anyway everything was in working status now so we were done.
Later on i took a fog light out of one of my project BMW's and installed it under the back seat of Explorer to work as additional load for yellow flasher. Surely flashing rate is not what it should be, but at least there is a flash.