My Explorer -project (2000-11-08)


OK, put new plugs in and poured in some water to test if it still goes straight to oil system. Well it didn't, that's good.  But instead it leaked out from the crack in engine block just below intake manifold where thermostat is placed.
So now i'm going to have to remove the engine and see if crack can be welded. Still don't want to buy a new engine maybe we can fix this...Allthough i'm keeping my eyes open for new engine (placed an add to one of those free adds magazines).

Removing the engine is planned to happen 2000-11-09. I'll be in contact with a person who has done some welding for me recently and a lot of welding for my brothers drag race Toyota Corolla. I want to have his comment wheather the engine has to be dismantle totally or just enough to expose crack.
I wasn't able to see the damage myself, i just saw water pulping on the top of the block, intake manifold blocks the straight view to it.