My Explorer -project (2000-10-26)

Soft top

While sitting at the office, looking outside, i noticed that sun was shining and there was no wind at all. I started thinking of taking the rest of day off and working with Explorer soft top. After an half an hours fiddling with the idea i decided to do just that. Another 30km (~19miles) one way trip to hoverport and there we were. By the time we actuaaly got there wind was again blowing rather hard so no driving this time just working.

The topmost piece for the top was welded together and also front piece was welded. We started to fit those in place with duct tape and at the same started to figure the rest of the top.
After what felt like endless stretching of the two pieces to different directions, we started to think how much space is needed to get into the craft and how low should side edges be. Edge lines were outlined to soft top with tape and after finding suitable curvature it was marked with a pen and cutted out. Side door covers were cutted out and taped into their places. Also small pieces between top of the windshield and actual roof section of soft top was cutted out and taped in place.
After everything was more or less in place we marked exact lines of were bows are and how pieces should be trimmed for perfect seams. Very time consuming and still i'm a little bit afraid of what comes out of it as it wasn't at all as simple as i thought it would be!
Now there is no question wheather to have these seams welded today or tomorrow: it has to be done today, otherwise i don't remember all the marks we made!
At the begining of the week it was rain,rain and rain, but for today it says sunny but cold so go and figure. For the weekend we expect the first wet snow to arrive. Let's see, if that happens it's going to delay soft top installation for sure.