My Explorer -project (2000-09-22)

Windshield screen material purchased

Yesterday i picked up the Lexan sheet i ordered couple days ago. It's ready waiting for windshield patterns to be cut out of it.

Transporting this 2000x3000 (79"x118") sheet of flexible plastic with 1500x1900 (59"x75") pick-up bed for 150km (93miles) was a task of its own.We had prepared extension frame on top of existing bed with lumber. Sheet was then lifted on top of this wooden frame and planks we screwed  around sheet edges so that Lexan sheet was tightly hold in place between wooden structure. We started driving carefully, but as there seemed to be no problems we could easily lift our speed to normal highway speed and made it all the way.

We also made some small adjustements to windshield frame with 4tn hydraylic jack to make its curvature nice and even and, in addition, gained few centimeters (~inch) of more height to protect cabin better.

Going to buy some screws, silicone/PU-sealant and other miscallanous hardware needed for installation later today.