My Explorer -project (2000-09-12)

Working on with engine cover, windshield and softtop!
Working on with these essential equipments as weather gets more cold and fall is slowly turning into winter.
Just to give you a brief overview what is to be expected, see image of CAD model below:

CAD model of windshield

Clicking that image will open a VRML model of the windshield for you. In case you need a VRML plug-in here's a link for that - Cosmo Player 2.1
Or if you wish with this link you'll get a demo movie (1,6Mb MPEG) of winshield model

Engine cover is made of skirt material, with small aluminium tubes working as a frame to support otherwise flexible material from contacting engine.

CAD model image of drives and engine cover

Some hardware for softtop has been purchased, but still playing with different concepts.
Also see updated "The Propeller" pages !