My Explorer -project (2000-08-21)

Second test run successful !
Problems were encountered, but we also had a lots of great time.
Notes made during this test run:
  • Charger support broke during Saturdays runs. It was fixed and improved by adding two more bolt holes instead of one it had originally.
  • Contact breaker switch wears out rapidly. Breaker already replaced, but has to watched in the future. Maybe replace distributor with breakerless unit ?
  • Throttle lever could be moved to other side of steering wheel. Now it's difficult to operate throttle and bow ports at same time as they both are most conviniently operated with right hand.
  • When gaining speed my Explorer bounces slightly nose up, nose down, nose up... According Barry Palmer this indicates that i haven't trimmed the partition skirt enough. This doesn't occur all the time so it's not that much of a problem.
  • Wiring of RPM indicator has to be checked. Starting of electric fuel pump caused engine to rotate at 1500rpm (according RPM indicator) and applying just 1/4 or 1/3 of throttle bursted engine to 8000rpm (again according RPM indicator). Something wrong there.